Training and events
Take part in our seminars and events
We offer a wide range of training and further education courses to help you expand and deepen your knowledge. These include high-level, tailor-made seminars and in-house training sessions for internal auditors held in English, French and German. We offer our seminars online and in person. They cover everything from foundational courses to sessions on current, industry-specific topics such as IT auditing, fraud detection and soft skills optimisation, and also include cross-sector seminars. We also offer preparatory seminars for individual training programmes. In addition, we hold afterwork events, conferences and ERFA groups to help encourage exchange between colleagues working in internal auditing.
Our seminars are led by experienced auditors, academics, professors and external consultants. We select our speakers individually based on the concept and topic of the seminar. They all enrich the sessions with their expertise, background and wealth of experience. All of our seminars focus on knowledge transfer and practical applicability in the participants’ everyday professional life.
Nikolai Hombach | Dipl. Ingenieur | ITIL, COBIT, ISO20000 | VIEW PROFILE |
Dr. Rainer Lenz | Dr. / PhD | CIA, QIAL, CIIA | VIEW PROFILE |
Barbara Widmer | Dr. iur. | LL.M., CIA | VIEW PROFILE |
Maria Driessen | BSc Business Adiministration | VIEW PROFILE | |
Hans-Willi Jackmuth | IT-Security Beauftragter | VIEW PROFILE | |
Sibylle Baumgartner | M.A. International Relations | VIEW PROFILE | |
Matthias Leisinger | MBA | VIEW PROFILE | |
Niklaus Studhalter | BBA, CIA | VIEW PROFILE | |
Angelica Bienz | CIA, CRMA, CPA, CFA | VIEW PROFILE | |
Frank Bertisch | lic. rer. pol. | CIA, CRMA, CISA | VIEW PROFILE |
Bruno Blumenthal | BSc Computer Science, CISA, CISM, CISSP | VIEW PROFILE | |
Rico Blumenthal | EMBA Business Engineering | VIEW PROFILE | |
Christoph Deeg | Dipl. Instru. Mu. | VIEW PROFILE | |
Dr. Ulrich Hahn | Dr. rer. pol. | Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing., CISA, CIA, CRAM, CGAP | VIEW PROFILE |
Dr. Dominik Foerschler | Dr. / PhD | M.A. Banking & Finance, CIA, CRMA | VIEW PROFILE |
Dr. Jan Küpfer | Dr. / PhD | CIA, CRMA | VIEW PROFILE |
Dr. Alexander Schuchter | Dr. oec. / PhD | VIEW PROFILE | |
Alejandra Simantirakis-Aller | M.A. Finance and Auditing | VIEW PROFILE | |
Raymond Fein | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Felix Bucher | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Michael Dietrich | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Irène Wilson | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Roy Weiss | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Bernd Schindler | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Sebastian Böhringer | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Denise von Moos | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Peter Weiss | Dr. | VIEW PROFILE | |
Miriam Wichtermann | MSc | VIEW PROFILE | |
Kerstin Kühbauch | MSc | VIEW PROFILE | |
Maxime Chretien | CFE, CIA, CAMS, CPA | VIEW PROFILE | |
Reinhard Furchner | M.A., CFA, CIA, CRMA | VIEW PROFILE | |
Patrick Steib | CIA, Dipl. Wirtschaftsprüfer, CFE, CISA | VIEW PROFILE | |
Ramon Sprecher | Dipl. Wirtschaftsprüfer | VIEW PROFILE | |
Maximilien Roche | M.A., CIA | VIEW PROFILE | |
Robert Rusch | VIEW PROFILE | ||
Fritz Volker | Degree in Business Administration | VIEW PROFILE | |
Emanuel Hierl | Dipl. Betriebswirt, MSc. | CIA, CRMA, IPMA-D | VIEW PROFILE |
James C Paterson | Author: “Beyond the Five Whys” and “Lean auditing” Director: Risk & assurance insights | CIA, MM Management | VIEW PROFILE |
Tanja Böhringer | Senior Operational Risk Manager | BComHons, BAcc, CISA | VIEW PROFILE |
In-house training - External seminars & events
We work with leading academic institutions and partner organisations in the field of internal audit and professional development. For example, we promote the inclusion of internal auditing in degree programs and offer our members access to interdisciplinary education and training programs at discounted rates.

You think of an in-house training fitting the individual needs of your audit team?
Please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for an offer (
18th DIIR Conference: Internal Audit in Public Institutions

The 18th DIIR Conference: Internal Audit in Public Institutions is the leading platform for internal audit professionals working in public institutions.
It will take place on 12 and 13 May 2025 in Berlin.

The conference take place on 11 November 2025 in Berne.
The seminar is aimed at managers and staff working in internal auditing, financial auditors, compliance officers, risk managers, administrative board members, members of auditing committees and those interested in the topic of internal auditing.

The 8th Conference on Ethics and Governance - How Think Tanks can impact public and private Governance - Conflict of interest, influence network real added value. Everything you need to know to assess the risk - will take place on
1 December 2025 at the FER (Fédération des Entreprises Romands) in Geneva.
The conference will be followed by the launch of three Think Tanks:
- African Governance
- Fight against disinformation
- Emotional Intelligence

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) en Audit Interne
Le CAS Audit Interne est destiné aux cadres, professionnels et managers appelés à mettre en œuvre une démarche de bonne gouvernance intégrant les principes de l’Audit interne tant du point de vue stratégique qu’opérationnel.
Les membres de l'IIA Switzerland bénéficient d'une réduction de 200 CHF.
Le programme détaillé et l'inscription sont disponibles sur le site de la HEG.

Course « Internal Auditing - CAS »
The Internal Auditing - CAS program at the University of St. Gallen offers in-depth training in the areas of internal auditing and governance, risk, control and compliance (GRC). The certificate programme is divided into four modules and combines current developments such as digitalisation and data analysis with the core competencies of internal auditing.
The program is designed for professionals in internal audit and related disciplines who wish to enhance their skills and career opportunities. The modules offer a combination of theoretical principles and practical applications, supported by the expertise of experienced lecturers and practitioners. Participants are not only prepared for the IIA exam, but also awarded a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) upon successful completion.
The course is offered mainly in German with some English contributions and combines face-to-face and online formats. The entire course lasts 17 days and takes place at the Continuing Education Centre Holzweid and online.
For further information and to register, please visit the University of St. Gallen website, write to Prof. Dr Florian Eugster or call +41 71 224 74 30.
ZHAW School of Management and Law

CAS in Internal Audit and Governance
The CAS in Internal Auditing and Good Governance provides in-depth knowledge of internal auditing in accordance with current IIA standards, as well as governance, risk management and internal controls.
The course also covers topics such as strategic planning, governance, controlling and IT security, and integrates modern approaches including data analytics and AI.
Our members benefit from an IIAS member discount of CHF 250.00.
IIA OnDemand Learning
IIA OnDemand Learning is an online self-learning resource aimed at internal auditing specialists. It allows you to keep up to date with the latest developments and learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever suits you best.
You can learn online anytime, anywhere. Log in and take a look at what we have on offer.